Getting high-paying jobs in Canada without a university degree may look like a hard nut to crack. Still, the truth is that there is a multitude of high-paying jobs in Canada that don’t require you to have a university degree.
Presently, various firms look beyond the degree certificate to employ people as job seekers in Canada. Therefore, if you have intentions of immigrating and working in Canada, you should try and get other skills pending when you get your degree.
High Pay-Jobs in Canada Without University Degree
In Canada, many jobs offer favorable working conditions and pay decent salaries without requiring a university degree in the field.
Here are ten jobs that pay hugely without a degree;
1. Web Developer
Web Developer is the first on the list of high-paying jobs in Canada without a degree.
Many businesses take their business online because the world is going digital, and because of this, they need web developers to develop their websites.
An average web developer earns up to $30 per hour. However, web development requires some skills and tutorials, not a degree. If you intend to earn as a web developer, you must learn how to design websites.
If you think you possess the necessary skills to be a web developer, you can use them to earn a considerable amount of money in Canada.
2. Translation
Translation is translating audio to text or from one language to another. This skill doesn’t require a degree. However, if you know how to speak many languages, this is a perfect opportunity to take up a translator in Canada.
According to research, translators earn up to $25 per hour.
Also, translators translate materials and research into different languages and formats. They also check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Translators are also responsible for translating subtitles for movies other presentations.
3. Real Estate Agent
Another high-paying job in Canada without a university degree is a real estate agent. Real estate agents are saddled with the responsibility of helping people find affordable housing.
The Canadian housing market has fully grown with momentum as many immigrants are looking to immigrate to Canada because of its conducive working and schooling environment.
A real estate agent can create a strong career by helping people find the right home. They work with people who wish to rent, sell, or lease their house, match them with potential customers. By doing so, they earn a referral commission.
Even though real estate agents take certified training in Canada, an average real estate agent earns up to $50,000 or more.
4. Receptionist
A receptionist’s job is to welcome and direct guests in an organization, institution, or even hotel. In addition, the receptionist provides basic information about the organization through calls and physical meetings.
It is also the receptionist’s work to maintain all the office equipment. As a receptionist, the essential skills to possess are communication skills, time management skills, and healthy customer service behavior.
Not having a degree is not the main criteria to work as a receptionist, and an average receptionist earns up to $17 per hour.
5. Plumber
To work as a plumber, you must be done with high school or go through an internship or apprenticeship.
Every home has a plumbing need, which makes the job not saturated.
A plumber can work in commercial and industrial firms, schools, churches, etc.
An average plumber earns up to $30 per hour.
6. Library Assistant
The sixth on our list of high-pay jobs in Canada without a degree is library assistant. The library assistant is responsible for arranging books, issuing and shelving periodicals, and ordering materials.
Even though an average library assistant earns up to $15 per hour, which might be a bit low, it is okay for someone who doesn’t have a degree in green, so it’s not a wrong choice.
7. Live-in Caregiver
Even though it is demanding and draining, a live-in caregiver looks after people.
A live-in caregiver is required to live in the client’s house. As a result, they are faced with caring for both a baby(child) and older people.
An average live-in caregiver earns up to $15 per hour.
8. School Bus Driver
Being a school bus driver is another job on the list of high-pay jobs in Canada without a university degree.
As a school bus driver, you must have a driver’s license. However, driving school buses doesn’t require you to have a degree as the only requirement is a driver’s license.
The school bus drivers usually take training called the School Bus Driver Improvement course. An average school bus driver earns up to $20 per hour.
9. Chef
As a chef, the responsibility of the planning, directing, and preparing food is entirely on you. Therefore, this job requires lots of strength to take the pressure.
In some cases, you may require a high school certificate and certifications to work in separate kitchens and restaurants.
10. Bartender
Finally, bartending is on our list of ten high-pay jobs in Canada without a university degree.
In most cases, as a bartender, you need to take some course like ‘Smart Serve .’ However, a bartender doesn’t need a degree. You only need to know how to pour drinks.
On a final note, finding jobs in Canada that don’t need a degree can be easy. All you need to do is check out our list again, choose your most preferred, then make some bucks.
Note; these jobs can be done while you acquire your degree.
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